Danube Bike Tour Day 22: Mauthausen to Ybbs
Posted by Cassie, November 27th, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Distance: 69km
Today was a miserable day for riding. It was still really cold, and it rained on us the entire day. However, we saw on the news this morning that the weather was going to warm up! By Monday, it would still be colder than average, but it was supposed to be sunny! We hadn’t seen the sun in days. We hoped that we had gotten through the worst of the nasty weather, and the weather would get better after today.

Biking in the rain
Despite the weather, we biked a long way today. We tried to stop in Wallsee for lunch, but everything was closed when we arrived. We arrived a few minutes before noon, and everything closed at noon. I was cold and wet, so I was looking forward to sitting down in a warm, dry place. We tried to find a sheltered place to cook some lunch, but we couldn’t find anything. We arrived in the next town, and everything was closed there, too. We finally decided to into a guesthouse restaurant, and it was really nice to sit in a dry place and eat warm food. Jonathan ordered the turkey schnitzel. I ordered the vegetable schnitzel, but when I ordered it, the waitress didn’t realize that they had such a thing on the menu and checked with the kitchen to make sure it was correct. But, she came back and said it was fine. The vegetable schnitzel was really good. It was like a breaded potato and vegetable patty.
We felt much better after drying off and getting a warm meal. The next part of the ride was really neat. Mountains began rising up for both sides of the river. This section of the river at Struden had dangerous narrows. A large rock caused dangerous eddies to form making it very difficult to navigate. Now, there is a canal that allows the ships to avoid the sharp, dangerous bend in the river.
We stopped for the night in Ybbs and looked for a place to stay. When we went into the first guesthouse, we asked if they had rooms available, and the woman rudely told us there were no rooms and gave the impression that we were not welcome there. However, at the next guesthouse, the man was really nice to us, and they even had a garage where we could put our bikes for the night. It was nice to stop for the night and change out of my wet clothes. 😉